Airport Security Can I Take a Roll of Dip
Dip on airplanes?
if I were to buy dip here in new York and bring it on an airplane (because I live in Canada and its too expensive there) would they not allow it on the plane? it'll be in a carry on because we only have carry ons on this flight (moms at a seminar so we're with her and its paid for) so if I put a roll in my backpack would the alarm of off or would they ask about it or take it away? my family doesn't know I dip
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level 1
You're allowed to carry dip on an airplane. Most airlines prohibit the use while in flight. They may question you on it and search the carry on, it's best for checked luggage
level 2
that's what I'm worried about, and we didn't pay for the extra luggage, thanks though
level 1
I've only been questioned about it once and that was in a rinky dink airport in Tanzania
level 1
If you put it in your carry on you should be fine. When I fly back to New York I usually put a couple of logs in my carry on and haven't gotten questioned once. But that was always domestic flying.
level 1
I was flying from New York to Ireland just last week, had 4 logs in my bag and brought another 3 or 4 cans with me in my carry on. There wasn't a single word said to me once I landed. You should be fine!
level 1
I literally just did it on a Southwest flight. Had about 3 cans in my carry on bag and one in my back left pocket. You'll be fine.
level 1
I dip everytime I fly. no problems what so ever.
level 1
If you put it in your bag and pass it through the x-ray, they wont take it out. you just cant have it in your pockets when you walk through the scanner, they asked me to take my can out. Now dipping on a plane, I have had a delta flight attendant tell me it was against the rules. So just keep that in mind if you're flying delta at least
level 1
Idk about going through customs but when I fly I always have at least a log and as far as getting caught goes just side pack it on the window side and bring a foam cup with a straw for your spitter and just spit down the straw. And don't look directly at the flight attendant. Jeez I always see people complain about getting caught on planes, they act like they never dipped in high school.
level 2
Many airports sell it in the little stores. It's totally fine to have on a flight if you're 18, but is sometimes frowned upon in flight. Usually they'll say no tobacco use in the preflight announcement of it isn't allowed.
level 1
your parents will find eventually but you can say some one must have put it in there thinking it was their bag when you were sitting it may work who knows
level 2
I still think its risky with my parents though, might wait and get it when were driving from detroit-canada
level 1
I was on a flight ORD-SAT. Half of the passengers were mine workers, and they all dipped in flight. One of them asked for an empty cup to spit in and the flight attendant never had a request like that. Nobody complained and nothing happened.
Airport Security Can I Take a Roll of Dip
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