Anne Frank Center Usa Virtual Scrapbook
Grade Levels: 3–8
Holocaust Glossary
In 1945, close to the end of WW II, Anne Frank died at the age of fifteen. Today, her diary and people who knew her survive to tell her story. Scholastic's "We Remember Anne Frank" takes students one step beyond the diary. In this project, students have the unique opportunity to "meet" two heroic women whose endurance of human spirit and courage in the face of horror enabled them to risk everything to help Anne Frank.
Learning Objectives
In the course of participating in this online project, students will:
- learn about historical events through a time line.
- understand how events in Europe during the Nazi's rise to power and the subsequent Holocaust impacted the lives of real people.
- develop empathy for people, Jewish and non-Jewish, who were directly affected by the Holocaust.
- become familiar with terms and places associated with the Holocaust.
- improve content-area reading skills.
- learn to do online research.
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Project Components
Photo Stories
Hanneli & Anne: Memories of a Friendship (Grades 3 - 8)
Through vivid text and images, this photo-history album provides the inside story of Hanneli and Anne's friendship during this tragic time in world history.
Miep's Holocaust Story (Grades 3 - 8)
This photo-story tells the story of Miep Gies, the woman who risked her life daily to help hide Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis.
Time lines
Hanneli's Holocaust Story (Grades 5 - 8)
Through a time line of Hanneli's life, readers discover how, like the Frank family, the members of Hanneli's family were also Holocaust victims. The time line begins with Hanneli's birth and ends with her life in Israel today.
Anne Frank and Her Diary (Grades 5 - 8)
Students find out information about Anne Frank's diary including a time line of events in her life and in history. This section also includes background information about the diary, including the decision to publish its contents, proof of its authenticity, and links to selected entries.
Interview Transcripts
Miep Gies (Grades 3 - 8)
Miep Gies visited the Scholastic Web site in May 1997. At that time, students had the opportunity to ask Miep questions about Anne Frank, her family, and the other people in hiding. This transcript includes Miep's answers to students' questions.
Hanneli Pick-Goslar (Grades 3-8)
In May 1997 and May 1999, Hanneli Pick-Goslar visited the Scholastic Web site. Now your students can read a transcript of that interview and find out about her close friendship with Anne Frank and how she, Hanneli, survived living in a concentration camp.
Kids Publish
Stories of Courage (Grades 4 - 8)
Students research and write about a Holocaust survivor or rescuer and explain why the individual they selected is courageous. Students can write about one of the twelve rescuers or survivors listed on the Scholastic Web site or someone students know and can interview.
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National Standards Correlations
While students learn about Anne Frank, they will be participating in a project that correlates with many of the national standards for both social studies and language arts. This Learning Adventure helps students meet the following content strands for Social Studies, as set forth by the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS):
- Culture (Students learn how to understand multiple perspectives that derive from different cultural vantage points.)
- Time, Continuity, and Change (Students study how the world has changed in order to gain perspective on the present and the future.)
- People, Places, and Environments (Students utilize technological advances to connect to the world beyond their personal locations. The study of people, places, and human-environment interactions assists learners as they create their spatial views and geographic perspectives of the world.)
- Individual Development and Identity (Students learn to ask questions such as Why do people behave as they do? What influences how people learn, perceive, and grow?)
- Individuals, Groups, and Institutions (Students study interactions among individuals, groups, and institutions.)
- Power, Authority, and Governance (Students study how people create and change structures of power, authority, and governance.)
- Civic Ideas and Practices (Students study the ideals, principles, and practices of citizenship in a democratic republic.)
- Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment.
- Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.
- Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.
- Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).
Lesson Planning Suggestions
We Remember Anne Frank includes an abundance of information which can be used flexibly to meet your classroom's many needs. This project can be used over several weeks of class time, or segments of it can be utilized during a shorter time frame. It provides opportunities for group collaboration and exploration as well as for individual learning. Here are suggested ways to use this project in your school or classroom.
Week One
Explain to students that they will be learning about Anne Frank and the Holocaust through the stories of two heroic women whose courage in the face of horror enabled them to risk everything. During this first week, you can introduce your students to the heart-rending story of Anne Frank and Her Diary by exploring the interactive time line. This time line includes links to related Web pages that include images and excerpts from Anne's diary, maps of relevant locations, Web sites about concentration camps, and more. Be sure to refer to the Holocaust Glossary when students encounter terms they don't know. As your students read about Anne Frank, remind them that she was just one of millions of very brave Holocaust victims.
Introduce the Stories of Courage publishing activity during this first week. Encourage students to start thinking about whom they might want to write. Show them how to access the list of Holocaust Survivors and Rescuers provided in the activity. Or, help them think about someone they may know who they want to interview for this project.
Week Two
Once students have some background on Anne Frank's life, they can explore in more depth the stories of those who helped her. Invite your students — either together or independently — to read the Story of Miep Gies. Explain to them that Miep risked her life by helping the Franks and their friends hide from the Nazis. As students read the story, have them take notes on Miep's courageous acts and their consequences. Discuss with your class why they think Miep took such huge risks and how they would have acted if put in Miep's shoes.
Read Miep's interview transcript to find out how Miep felt the day Anne and the others were discovered by the Nazis. Encourage students to find out other information such as: what the Secret Annex looked like; Anne's personality; how Anne's diary was found; and life after the war.
Explain to students that Miep is one of thousands of people who put their lives on the line to help Jewish people during the Holocaust. To find out the stories of other rescuers during the Holocaust, have students read one of the 12 online biographies available through the Stories of Courage activity. Then have them react to what they read by writing a poem, essay, dialogue, etc.
Week Three
Invite students to discover Anne Frank's friendship with Hanneli by clicking through Memories of a Friendship. As they read the story, ask students to write down questions they have. Then invite them to review the interview transcript to see if any of their questions have been answered.
Have your students learn more about other survivors by participating in the Stories of Courage activity.
Week Four
When students have finished researching and writing, they can write a story of Courage. Discuss the activity with your class before students begin working. Show them how to access the Stories of Holocaust Rescuers and Survivors. Encourage them to select one person to research further.
Week Five
Begin this week by reading the interview with Hanneli Pick-Goslar. After reading the interview, have students describe orally or in writing their impressions of Hanneli and what they learned about the Holocaust.
Introduce one or more of the extension activities to your class. Assist students in forming small groups to work on the various extension activities.
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Cross-curricular Extensions
Language Arts and Art (All Grades)
- Talk with your school librarian or media center director about recognizing the Holocaust through the library setting, providing reading materials and special resources in a specific area. As an extension, students can write reports about their readings, present oral or written reports, and illustrate favorite passages to be displayed.
- Provide a classroom bulletin board or area in your school where students are responsibile for developing a special display on The Diary of Anne Frank. Assign a group of students the task of designing the bulletin board. The idea could be expanded to include different types of diaries, such as picture (drawing) or electronic journals. Invite other subject area teachers such as the art teacher to participate in expanding this activity.
- Using computer software such as ClarisWorks, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works, or The Writing Center by The Learning Company, have students create and maintain electronic journals. Allow students to illustrate their work by using the drawing and painting features of the software. This will be an excellent place for keeping notes, creating glossaries of unfamiliar words, storing pertinent questions, and reflecting personal feelings about The Diary of Anne Frank.
- Ask your students to each develop a time line that shows what their families were doing during the years 1941 – 1945. Or they can create a time line of their own lives. A time line can be as traditional in format as a listing of events, or it can be represented through a chart, photographs, or objects.
- Anne Frank's life and how it is overwhelmed by war provides a way to discuss the importance and power of storytelling using personal experiences and life-changing events. Discuss with students how first-person accounts, like an oral history, make historical events real. Students can then interview family members and share their histories orally or in writing.
- Display a world map, marking the location of the historical events described throughout this project. Where did the events occur? Research what life was like in your community during World War II. How did the events impact your community? Compare and contrast life then and now.
There are a variety of assessment opportunities built into "We Remember Anne Frank." Throughout the project, teachers can observe and evaluate:
- comprehension and oral discussion of each online reading component of the project;
- note-taking skills and ability to utilize time lines;
- quality of writing and critical-thinking skills, as evidenced by questions students address to Hanneli Pick-Goslar;
- quality of writing and research skills as evidenced by students retelling the story of a Holocaust survivor or rescuer.
Resources and Web Links
Print Resources
Web Links
Print Resources
Reading List for Children
Reading List for Adults
Reading List for Children
Adler, David. A Picture Book of Anne Frank. Holiday House, 1994.
Auerbacher, Inge. I Am a Star: Child of the Holocaust. Prentice Hall, 1987.
Bachrach, Susan. Tell Them We Remember: The Story of the Holocaust. Little, Brown, 1994.
Brown, Gene. Anne Frank: Child of the Holocaust. Blackbirch Marketing, 1993.
Chaiken, Miriam. A Nightmare in History: The Holocaust 1933 – 1945. Houghton Mifflin, 1987.
Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Translated by B. M. Mooyaart. Doubleday, 1967.
Frank, Otto H., and Mirjam Pressler. The Diary of Anne Frank: The Definitive Edition. Doubleday, 1995.
Gold, Alison Leslie. Reflections of a Childhood Friend. Scholastic, 1997.
Isaacman, Clara, and Joan A. Grossman. Clara's Story. Jewish Publication Society, 1994.
Levine, Ellen. A Fence Away From Freedom: Japanese Americans and World War II. Putnam, 1995.
Levine, Ellen. Secret Missions: Four True Life Stories. Scholastic, 1990.
Lowry, Lois. Number the Stars. Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1990.
Meltzer, Milton. Rescue: The Story of How Gentiles Saved Jews in the Holocaust. HarperCollins Children's Books, 1991.
Rittner, Carol and Sondra Meyers. The Courage to Care: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust. New York University Press, 1986.
Rogasky, Barbara. Smoke and Ashes: The Story of the Holocaust. New York, 1988.
Rossell, Seymour. The Holocaust: The Fire That Raged. Franklin Watts, 1990.
Weitz, Sonia. I Promised I Would Tell. Facing History and Ourselves, 1993.
Wiesel, Elie. Night. Bantam, 1982.
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Reading List for Adults
Bauer, Yehudah, and Niki Keren. A History of the Holocaust. Franklin Watts, 1982.
Dawidowicz, Lucy. War Against the Jews: 1933 – 1945. Bantam, 1968.
Dwork, Deborah. Children With a Star: Jewish Youth in Nazi Europe. Yale University Press, 1991.
Fogelman, Eva. Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust. Anchor Books, 1994.
Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Translated by B. M. Mooyaart. Doubleday, 1967.
Frank, Otto H., and Mirjam Pressler. The Diary of Anne Frank: The Definitive Edition. Doubleday, 1995.
Gies, Miep, and Alison Leslie Gold. Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of the Woman Who Hid the Frank Family. Simon & Schuster, 1988.
Hilberg, Raoul. Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders: The Jewish Catastrophe, 1933 – 1945. New York: HarperCollins, 1992.
Leitner, Isabella. Isabella: From Auschwitz to Freedom. Anchor Books, 1994.
Lindwer, Willy. The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank. Anchor Books, 1992.
Steenmeijer, Anne G. A Tribute to Anne Frank. Doubleday, 1971.
Tec, Nechama. Dry Tears: The Story of a Lost Childhood. Oxford University Press, 1984.
Van der Rol, Ruud, and Rian Verhoeven. Anne Frank: Beyond the Diary. Viking, 1993.
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Anne Frank Remembered. College Art Association, 1996.
Camera of My Family: Four Generations in Germany, 1845 – 1945. Anti-Defamation League.
Courage to Care. Anti-Defamation League.
Daniel's Story. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Dear Kitty. Anne Frank Center USA.
Just a Diary. Anne Frank Center USA.
The Life of Anne Frank. Films for the Humanities and Societies, 1991.
They Risked Their Lives: Rescuers in the Holocaust. Ergo Media.
Parts of this book and video bibliography are excerpted from The Reader's Companion to The Diary of a Young Girl. Copyright 1995 Doubleday. All rights reserved. Published by the Anne Frank Center USA and Bantam Doubleday Dell. Used by permission of the Anne Frank Center, USA.
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Web Links
Anne Frank Online
This definitive site focuses on Anne Frank and her world-famous diary. It contains excerpts from her diary, a photo scrapbook of her life, and information about a traveling museum exhibit about her.
To Save a Life: Stories of Jewish Rescue
In this Web site you will find true stories by six people who risked their lives to save the lives of Jewish people from the Nazi Holocaust, matched with stories of the people they rescued, some of them children and young adults. Illustrating the stories are a great many photographs and documents from the subjects' albums, historic archives, and by the author, Ellen Land-Weber. The work is also available from the author as a CD ROM: (email: It will be published as an illustrated book in the year 2000.
L'Chaim: A Holocaust Web Project
This project offers Holocaust survivors' stories, photo essays by current visitors to concentration camp locations, and a virtual tour of Dachau via archival photographs and documents. The site's sponsors warn that parents should help explain the events and content to young children.
Cybrary of the Holocaust
Included at this site are images of the Holocaust, survivor accounts, stories of children of survivors, artwork, and other Holocaust-related materials, including a section refuting claims that the Holocaust never happened. CAUTION: Some of the material is too graphic in nature for younger students.
An End to Intolerance
This student-produced magazine is created annually by students 12 – 18 years of age as part of the Holocaust/Genocide Project. Issues from 1993, 1994, and 1995 are currently available online.
Museum of Tolerance Online Tour
This online tour of the Tolerance Museum is divided into three main areas: The Tolerance Center, focusing on the nature of intolerance; The Holocaust, the history of the Jews in Nazi Europe; and Access to History. It's an all-text site that basically describes the museum exhibits.
The Holocaust Ring
This continually growing site is made up of a list of links contributed by people around the world. It's goal is to contribute to Holocaust understanding, study, research, and dynamics.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
This museum is the United State's national institution for the documentation, study, and interpretation of Holocaust history and serves as this country's memorial to the millions who were murdered. Photos, text, and other resources provide a full exploration of the Holocaust.
World War II Time Line Starting Page
This online World War II time line begins with one segment for the prewar years to 1938, then covers each year of the war in detail. In addition to student papers, there are also links for photographs, maps, and documents from the University of San Diego History Department collection.
World War II Commemoration
This encyclopedic site provides a collection of World War II historical materials including many articles — with a chronological outline — biographies, photographs, and mini-documentary films on air combat.
The History Place
This Web site is divided into several sections that currently feature John F. Kennedy, World War II, Adolph Hitler, Abraham Lincoln, and the Civil War. "Points of View" provides essays and opinion, and "Speeches of the Week" gives transcripts of famous speeches from history.
The Nizkor Project
The Nizkor Project takes issue with those who deny the Holocaust ever happened. This site is divided into several sections, such as FAQs, features, Shofar Web Project, and The Holocaust Web Project. They contain documentation as to the reality of the Holocaust and refute the position of the deniers, whose arguments are also shown through Web links.
Yad Vashem
Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial of the Jewish people in Israel, offers background text, sample testimonies, and pictures pertaining to the events that befell the Jewish population and others in Europe beginning in the 1930s. This site is also available in Hebrew.
An Auschwitz Alphabet
This site provides information about the experience of prisoners at Auschwitz organized alphabetically with topics ranging from Arbeit Macht Frei (Work Will Make You Free) to Zyklon B (poison gas). It includes commentary by the author, a bibliography, and links to other Holocaust sites.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center
This site provides extensive materials dealing with the Nazi Holocaust as well as current human rights issues. Areas include a biography of Simon Wiesenthal, more than 50 bibliographies of Holocaust resources, audio events, Museum of Tolerance, and biographies of children killed in the Holocaust.
Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation
This site explains the mission of the Survivors of the Shoah [Hebrew for "Holocaust"] Visual History Foundation, which is to videotape and archive the accounts of as many surviving Holocaust victims as possible to provide a record for the future of this shameful chapter of history.
Louisiana Holocaust Survivors
Six Holocaust survivors from Poland are interviewed about their lives before World War II, the changes they experienced as the war neared, and their memories of the Holocaust.
The Holocaust Memorial
This site is a virtual tour of the Holocaust Memorial Garden, designed by Kenneth Treister. It serves as a memorial to those who died in the Holocaust and who have no formal graves.
Not to Be Forgotten
Photos of the Nazis, the Jewish population pre-World War II, and a concentration camp, as well as essay text on Auschwitz-Birkenau, can be found at this site examining the Holocaust.
Top of Resources
A Painful Reunion, (Scholastic News)
About Nazis Bulletin Board Transcript, (, 1995)
Anne Frank: A Look Back, (Anne Frank Center USA)
Anne Frank Chronology, (Anne Frank Center USA)
Anne Frank in the World Exhibit, (Anne Frank Center USA)
Anne's Legacy, (Anne Frank Center USA)
At the Holocaust Museum, (U.S. Holocaust Museum)
Chronology of the Holocaust, (U.S. Holocaust Museum)
Never Again, (Junior Scholastic)
The Home-Front Herald, (Junior Scholastic)
The World at War, (Scholastic Update)
True Stories: Oral History How-To, (Scholastic Update)
World War II Time Line, (Scholastic News)
World War II Experiences Bulletin Board Transcript, (, 1995)
World War II Facts, (Scholastic News)
World War II: An Overview, (Junior Scholastic)
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Anne Frank Center Usa Virtual Scrapbook
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