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How to download Full Version of Farming Simulator 17?

Hello everybody. I was going to start this video screaming and shouting with excitement, but then I realized that some people are listening to this with headphones on, and you probably don't want to be deaf in just five seconds into the video. So I'll try and contain myself. This is Farming Simulator 17 Download . So here we go. Um, the main menu actually features quite jazzy music, which has been featured in some of the sort of first look videos already by giants. Um, But I turned it off just because I need to talk over it and stuff. So, um, yes we are. We're not going to mess around on the main menu. We're actually gonna get straight into this. So career mode is what we need to go on to, and you can see we've got loads and loads of empty, saved game areas here up to 20. We're going to go for say game number one, and we're going to play on difficulty normal. So, this is where you can select the map. You can actually choose from two different maps in farming simulator 17, you can go on the brand new map, Goldcrest Valley, or you can go to saws, NOCCA, which actually was featured in the gold edition version of farming simulator 15.

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But this series, we're going to play Farming Simulator 17 Download PC on gold cross Valley because that is my, and everybody else is highly anticipated map. So continue. This is where you can select your character. You can now choose between a male or a female character. It's totally up to you. And you can also choose change the color of their shirt. And obviously you can change their name as well. I would go with a male as I am male, but yeah, this is a new feature for the game. I'm going to go as a female, but still be called Darwin. And we're going to choose a different color. You can see the different color shirts, which you can choose from here. I love the wide range. Um, I think we're going to go for my favorite color, which is green. So that should be okay. We press continue. And these are the two DLC mods, which you get. If you pre-ordered the game, we've got the challenger Mt. 708 field Viper and the Volterra T series cowl edition. Right? Okay. Let's start. There are six types of crops, wheat, barley, canola, sunflowers soybeans. I think it cycles through different things. There. I, it was so fast that loading, we couldn't even see the others. There are two types of root crops, potatoes and sugar beets. Welcome to farming simulator. Would you like to start a short guided tour? This will show you the basics of the game.

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Yes . And, um, yeah, this is basically showing you that the mini-map you have to open by pressing number nine on the keyboard and Farming Simulator 17 Download Full Game are for moving the player. Uh, right. So without any further ado, when you get into this, but first I just need to put the sound on a good level. I think time's 30. It should be good. And you can see we've got so many different settings. You can adjust here. The measuring units, I will probably put some miles in the money will be to pounds. So I'll do that. First of all, um, the radio, I have to put two off as well. So here we are. We're in the game. This is gold cross Valley. We're going to walk over here because if you look at the mini map, we have got a flashing icon and that is our machine, which we need to get into. It's actually a combine harvester. Okay. So first of all, we've got a case H 1455 tractor. Behind it. We've got the trailer by metal tech. So this is the help icon. This is one of the fields you own from the very start is wheat has conveniently grown to a stage where it can be harvested time for you to enter this combine, harvest it and get started. Have y'all been, let's get into it. This is one of the fields. Yes. I've read that. Why, why am I repeating myself? Um, okay. First, if you found hard mode, you can start the combines engine on easy and normal mode. The engine will already be running then attached to the harvest is header. It's sitting right in front of it. The help panel on the top left hand corner will always show you the functions which are currently available. Okay. So let's just go forward. I do have the Logitech all set up and going good. Farming Simulator 17 Download Full Version

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Now in fall, the harvester. And turn it on. So the head is starts rotating, press. Okay. Unfold, harvester, press B is ready. Farming Simulator 17 Free Download Now you're all set to harvest. Drive forward into the wheat. You can either adjust your vehicle speed manually or use the cruise control to maintain a constant speed. The maximum speed you can drive, it is automatically determined by the vehicle and the attached tool you're using. So off we go, there are many. Boxes within the field. Uh, if you look down the right hand side of the screen, you'll see the resection, our meter, and this combined is already done three, 4.4 hours. So they foster your good usually however, you'll have a lot to do so it makes help. It makes sense to hire helpers on your farm. Whenever a job can be executed by a helper, you'll be indicates in the top left panel, hire a helper to take care of the rest of the field. Continue. It looks like this name will help within the bill. So we're just going to get this done and we're going to do trash over there. So yes, we wouldn't be doing this for the whole video because what I wanted to do is I want to really take a look at everything. Um, I need to do stuff as speed layer as possible, but not so much that I invest in a thing because this is going to be a series. This is the first of a series. Um, despite this being called the first look video, it will still be the Lex plate. So episode one will follow this. It looks like a Ford, or it must be new Holland actually over there. I'm guessing it's a new Holland. Stroke ready for baling. I wonder if we were in the pilot, let me take a look at this. So our garage is just here. We're doing D we own a new Holland. This is a new Holland, 83 40. We also own the fabulous case.

1455 XL, two of them. In fact, we own two. Very nice, um, I'm not sure the difference of them. We also have the case. I H 1660 axial float, which we're in the moment with this header, the Metatech trailer, the Cuban customer Al 300 great Plains. This is the, I think it's the Seadrill uh, yes it is. We've got a lizard pickup rodeo. How to download Farming Simulator 17 for PC Small storage shelter got placeable sheds, which is very nice to have. And that is actually as far as our garage goes, so we don't have an awful lot, but we need to build up to it. We started off with very generous 20,000 pounds, and I'm sure that will actually go quite a long way, especially as we already have. I believe three tractors is good. So yes, I'm gonna have to put onto a worker because we're gonna have to cut and I'm new. As I said you aren't as well. So I don't know. We can't seem to check the minimums. The helper will not take care of his job until they had done with the grain tank of the harvesters folk. You can now take care of the business, exit the harvester walk to the next question. Mark symbol indicated on the map. I think we were just saying here for the time being, but yes, thank you. Anyway. Um, let's get our attached interior of this tractor. She can see to detail think 30% sound volume should be okay. Obviously a balance required between game and me unloading opposite.

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Well, got to keep up. Um, this tractor is doing 30.5 hours. And we're going to set the cruise control. One more responsibility, cruise control. Yeah, the set speed. You can adjust a lot faster. There we are in the camp, obviously, where we're, where else would we be? But obviously in the camp and fancies as much as we can get out of the house at the moment. So we pull out on the site. And we're going to go over to the next question, Mark. Just notice we've got like a, a crosshair sort of thing, but it's a circle in the middle of the screen, right? I don't want to run through the crop. How abstruse I think working at yesterday's is working. Okay, good. Uh, so here we go.

I am a big fan of these tractors feels they've have been harvested need to be cultivated before they can be sewn. A new this field has been harvested recently and now needs somebody to cultivate it and to the tractor and attach to the cause versus place behind it. Say it's an 83 40 attached to the bank, or the district has done 29.2 hours. Now lower the cost of data and drive over the fields. Cultivate the soil. This game runs so smooth. We've got another question, Mark. Well done. That's enough for now. That's enough. Really? Okay. That's enough. Now you can feel it, which the field later, if you want to or hire another helper to finish this job. Okay. I can understand this. It's basically because it's tall. We can't sort of spend the next hour doing this field. So, um, that's the reason behind it, but we could indeed, we could actually set stuff on work. That's not a bad idea. Let's switch to one. What about other tractors using the switching feature? You can quickly cycle through all of your vehicles, do this until you reached the tractor with the next question, Mark, right beside it, then get out and touch it. Put something to work it around the interior first. Alright, let's get Sam say let's tap through them.

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Here's the harvest again? You know, very well. That's the tracks. We were just in. That's helped with G I ha. This is it. Then this is our, the case. I H 1455 fields that have been cultivated are ready to be sewn. For this, you need to use a sewing machine, which is just here. Get back in the tractor and attach the sewing machine that's placed behind it. Okay, let's do that then. That'd be good. It's already full. The certain machine you just attached is already filled with seeds. Once you run out, you'll have to refill it with a seed bag rather than. Go into the store. I'm assuming you start with teabags at your farm. Once they've been used up, you need to buy more from the shop, time to sow seed you want to use, and then turn it on load the machine and to drive over the field. Oh, let's try to spend a few hours 40.5 hours. Thank you so unfolded already. So we are planting. What are we planting and talking simply, what am I planting? Farming Simulator 17 Telecharger Jeux I'm planting something, but I don't know what I'm planting. I don't know some things going in. Nice. You've got the hang of it. You can continue later if you want to or hire another helper.

Okay. Um, we will leave. We will continue to just for a little bit, I think because otherwise we're going to be skipping jobs way too often. Beacons, we have beacons. Wow. The detail down here. So this is a great Plains or Missy bear, three P 106 N T. We don't really need the beacons on to do this job, right. Let's just have to stop. Succeed by pressing Y yes. So we were planting wheat before you can see we're cycling through it bottom right hand corner. You always have to stick with wheat now. Otherwise it's gonna look really weird, but yes, this can go on a worker because we are going to be establishing this farm.

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We must watch the cost that you can already see as cost is quite a bit of money. In fact, it's rocketing down three workers on the ghost. That's not too good. Anyway, when you cycle to the next job, which is just down here, that combine is probably going to need to be emptied. I just have like a gravel sand under the wheels. So the different terrain has got different sounds associated with it. As soon as the house is tank is full. Farming Simulator 17 Version Complete Or even before that, so you can unload its contents into a trailer with one step ahead, drive next to the harvest and left inside yet we know all that already. So the guide is just there really so that we don't miss the thing, not so much, like, I don't know what to do. You can see the markers now on the left hand side of the harvester. But come in for your harvester, we can get into position and unload your content. That's a very thin swath. Must've been a bad yielding crop just there. Right? How, how easy is this to do from India camp? Why it's easy? Oh no. The guy taught stopped is great. We just beat them to the trigger. Good. He's getting out, but come on, raise up to it. I attracted just behind. Is that where the SEDA, but yes, I'm not liking the spade.

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This money is dropping. We're going to have to take over from something, probably the combine, everything. Or are we just at the end still more quiet. Capacity actually can see it in there. Just about still unloading. They have a go. So we're 83% full. We should probably go and find a good place to go and tip this. Um, this is obviously I'm sort of here, help her see is blocked by an object. Are you that that's me. I blocked it. Farming Simulator 17 Full Version We don't need to worry about it. Then. How would you say is the combine as it shows on the minimum?

So this is clearly something, this is a bond, right? So this must be our story. Good. Um, hopefully because I don't really want to always, it's a different. Booking, you have to press a different book into empty. It's not the same as before. It's not cute. Tip side back by Christine you and tip side green goal, but critique art we're alternating between two here. Um, so each one, a low you actually press, I we're going to tip backwards. I think. So now that's the other way gets it backwards. Nope. That's either way. We're going to sit back. Oh, there we go. Finally, we got there in the end, so we're tipping through the shutter on the back of there, and this is indeed going to storage. So it was a later day. We'll be able to tell is when there is good money for it. And when we get off here, actually check our info page. I'm going to sort of have a bit of a look around because we've got quite a few things to do. So yeah, we've got the map just here.

We should be able to see where all the. Cell places I actually can see on the sell points. Plenty of them. Mary's farm gold crest, Pacific grain, Macleans, biogas plant, right? Agribusiness, stuntin, sawmill, maple field mill Gomez, Ridge acres, spinnery and dentin bakery, which happens to be where the next help logo is. So we were probably supposed to go and sell that actually, but it's okay. We don't need to the help. It's just that to help right. Here we go. Then. So we've got a really, really good heads up disperse as you call it, um, or an info page. It is just so in depth, it tells you everything you need to know. These are our fruit types, as you'll have probably seen before, including Poplar the all new Poplar house that is going to be amazing. Can't wait for it. Um, But also, yes, we can see the growth as well. This is a more sort of in depth, both page, whereas before it would just be the stages of growth and then ready to harvest or remove the tops, where is now we, it also lets us know if it's been cultivated or plowed or we've got the weathered as well. It's good. We'll have this Brown actually, because yeah, Brown sort of associate with dried out plants or dead plants. So that is all good. Um, But this is what I was going to look out. This is our sell points we obviously doing well. It doesn't really matter what we're doing actually, because we will be selling quite a few things. But yeah, you can see the up and down. You can see that the prices is improving for this one here, the wheat at Mary's farm, but it's actually going down over at maple field mill. So we've gotta be very careful.

Maple Phil mill, I believe is weather trainers judging by the psych on here, but every crop is here. The slurry, everything. It's going to be very important. This page, this is our vehicle overview and you can see everything about it. So I believe, I believe this is how old the machine is and the cost of it obviously, and also the maintenance as well, maintenance on the bigger machinery is obviously going to be higher. The smaller machinery, quite a bit less. It's going to take a bit of getting used to, but. Just, you know, it's great that these new features have been in just finances, right? Um, yep. We don't need to look at that quite yet, cause not really established, but this is just sort of a quick flick through this. Farming Simulator 17 Full Game Isn't a review by any means. It's sort of just looking at everything that, um, is featured she's in the game.

Right? Next thing I want you to look at what's the store because we all want to know what's machinery. You get in the game tractors. We get the lovely Hurley maneuver from 15 Zita stair stay, stay up. Yep. New Holland T for Lynn track 90. All of this tractor, new Holland day three 40 Massey Ferguson 5,600 series as Azita was better. Proximate power, one 20. Sorry. I went blank there. The Hurley one XMT four. I. is better for Tara HD. This is only from the other ones as well though. It's far I grossed our 6.61 that we already have two of these. I'm actually amazed about the price of this it's amazingly expensive. Um, but that's good. Cause we have them already Fent 300 Vario, the TSX new Holland, the vulture and series, the Sammy forties fence 700 Vario JCB FastTrack, 3000 extra. Volcker T series Massey Ferguson, 7,700 series toys, five series seven, the Lamborghini Mac V R T case IHP Yuma CVX, JCB foster 8,000 stair terrorists, CVT new Holland ti seven heavy duty case Optum CVX. Oh yes. That is going to be good toys. Five series nine, Massey Ferguson, 8,700. New Holland T eight Fen 900 Vario. That is big. You were really getting into the big tractor C Valter S series challenger Mt. 708 Magnum CVX, new Holland T nine, challenger MTA 108 case quad track. Oh, you can't go out in a case called track challenger empty 900 D empty 700 or you filled Viper, which is the VOC and also the DRC, which just had the vulture T series. How addition? Yes, the coalition. Right. A quick flick through here, you can see all the different machinery. You've got the M Kramer KL 30.8 T tele handler. That looks like it's going to be our main one for this. Uh, we've also got trucks and quite a lot of them as well. Lizard access to 10 twin star, the Tatra Phoenix six by six agro truck.

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The Monte. Yes. 18.4 80. And the lizard TX for 15. Barrocal right. We're gonna look at the rest later and I'm just gonna sort of flip through everything in one go cause it, um, sort of, um, probably dumping your spirits. Cause you have seen everything. Just keep watching, we're going to do a bit more farming and then we'll cover a few more different things in a minute. We'll say there is no rush. Right? What am I looking at this? Or is it still not full on Otis is 2.4. Let's get it unloaded. But, um, yes, the money is still dramatically dropping. So the sooner they get that work done over there, the better, whereas ever that yes. So we are actually going to take this too. So point, despite it being just the one combine hugs alone, the cost, I need to do that. The next Cal glycol, we don't want to miss anything. Wow. I combined his cost is huge. Well, maybe the trader is just small. Then the license is still 56% full notice that we were actually out of the game. Just then looking at that. The machinery, but the combine was still going. So it doesn't pause the game. Now we need to go to a Denton bakery. Drive home. The Ryan's on the road, not the left. Yeah. I'm going to keep them in from bed. Right in casing. Yes. Look, advance, go. Oh, yes. This way. Quite a big road. Not too much traffic on it. Flat out. FS 17 Download Let's go flat out. Good on your June carriage. Well, obviously it's not called that in America, but um, yes, obviously the traffic can maybe take you so showing my tourist side here. It's a British tourist in gold crest Valley. So it's not the first turning Oh, sound of the engine. Just fantastic. I tell him, I say, yeah, so I will be doing a review. It's a later date. This is not a review video. So first let's play. I see what. Left hand here, I think, yeah. I probably could have taken the first turning. All right. There is a stop sign. So we have to abide by the local rules. We do have them in the UK as well. Well, and is this it? Yes, this is it.

The loading station is one of the places on the map where you can sell your harvest. You can check the current prices of all products by opening the menu and go into the prices, screen, move the tracks to move tracks, wherever the pit off we go, we are still indicating no. So this time I won't mess up with the tipping. We're going to make sure we tip at the back. Come on, you've got a tip of the back now. You have too nicely done selling your crops is the main way to earn money. He's a farmer he's driving us to the shop for the final help icon. Some inclines. Hey, attractor is responding accordingly to listen to the power of the mighty case. 1455 attract to which I think will probably stay on the farm forever. Say the shop is just up here. Um, Which Tony is Tony. It cuts across, it cuts across their mind, a pedestrian to the box. This is where you can say your vehicles and told us to buy equipment. So this is the place that's the end of the tour. Fantastic. Morgan's massive motors. And this is a good time to take a look at some more machinery, right? FS 17 Full Game So William gets, you brought to harvesters. We've got some frozen food.

Come here. C6. The case age 16, 60 axial flow, the new Holland agriculture TC five 90. We don't even see agriculture every time. The Masterfix MF activity. Activity 73 47 S the roster mash cross five nine, five. Plus the case axial flow, 71 30 roster match Torah at seven 60. The case axial flow nine to two 30 and Massey Ferguson, Delta 93 80 and the new Holland CR 10 90. We then have the forage harvest ahead is lots of them. You can see them all. Hey. Potato harvesting the Grimmie grandma tech drawn four 15 and the se two 60 beet harvesting thing. We've got the grimmer rooster six Oh four and Oh, here we go. The Homer. Tara does too T4 40 and brand new the tariff fellas to eco for collecting up pilots of sugar beets and putting them into a trailer or wherever you want to put them. We then have many trailers. I just flicked through them very quickly. You bet. I see what you all are. Very nice. Josquin there trans space, 8,000, but the job skin, yes. Crampy or Crump crone. FS 17 Full Version I grow line of brunt, the farm tech metal tech, lots of them are both of these are brand new, all go logins. So we're a metal tech, one, the PP 20 and a Bergman G T w four 30. We then have a wide range of clouds as well. Ranging in size. You can see them all here. Sofa, Lemkin, Amazon, and Kuhn soften that she is absolutely massive. 300 horsepower requirement. Cultivators again, a wide range, which quickly run through them all. So the hail Yola, sewing machines, Cumberland, Amazon, great Plains Grimmie for, to stout.

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Hoish good to see the horse ones in here, Len kin. And again yet back to and against there's loads and loads of different ones to choose from. We then have this sprays. I we've got a sell for power one back. By new Holland, South post sprays are must have really, so that is going to be, um, highly appreciated all around, I think. And also it's a very unique design, which is quite nice. Nicholas corral, Carol, not sure not heard of it myself, but nonetheless it's trailed. So that's going to be very handy. Fertilizer spreaders again, it's big, um, 20,000 liter capacity by Brita. When your spread is plenty of them in their story tanks. Again, lots of those, just so we've not had the waiters before. Um, it pulls weeds out of small, small grown crops. So this is all to do with the productivity of your field. You have to use a weeder to make it better. And obviously there is always this stuff here. I could go on all day, but to be honest, we need to probably. Look at some more of these in a different video, we don't have most laser Moe's Ted. Is there real hair when drivers will look all these in more depth later on, just quickly flicking through them all here, you can see for yourself, um, balers, wrappers, chainsaws are now featuring still. Yeah. So I was wondering where that was. Fantastic. Forestry machinery. Obviously the range here has just been expanded dramatically so much more in here. Willows say, yes, we're going to come back to this at a later date. Probably not too long, actually. Um, I'll be making lots and lots of videos that can't wait to do more. Um, but yet, as you can see, loads and loads of machines are featured here, skid steer loaders, including attract one animals. The Josh skin, BT max RDS seven 500 for transporting your animals, pigs, sheep, and cows. Got a massive trailer just here for them. Silo King feed mixer. Another one just head level is for the signage miscellaneous. So a transport tank and also. This will restore the initial ground state deletes fields. That's quite interesting, actually, that is actually a very clever tool to have. Right. We've been sat here waiting on.

We've just had to pay 814 pounds wage payments, not good. Um, let's head back to the farm because things are out of control without us being there. We definitely need to be there. So again, flat out, down the road, kind of drunk, ready to try a bit better. I got dead zone on the steering wheel. So it should make it a lot smoother. We're also putting in the hours on the machinery, but really for this series of videos, I think they're going to be largely unedited because I feel for the base game maps, it does work a lot better if you don't cut the loss out, especially this is quite a lot of explaining to do all the new features. So, um, yes, that's how it would be spent looking at new features relevant. Because he knows that's it. Interesting scripture I ever take that it's going quite fast. The AI has got a much faster traveling speed. If I have a shot. No, it's just a massive knot. So it feels like we have done. It's a great big light in the middle of the dashboard. Just like a, an emergency light to warn you. If something has gone wrong, like lower pressure, because. This instructor is quite old. So it probably doesn't have like state of the art, um, warning. Um, basically a station warning system.

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Farming Simulator 17 Download Full Game Is it just like one led which flushes and then you have to try and work out what the problem is. I'm not sure, but nonetheless, this tractor is so nice. This, like I said yesterday in the thank you is the fact sheet 21 video. I said, I didn't even know it was coming out. And, uh, yeah, so surprised and pleased to say it. This is where it needs to be. And the combine has finished. He didn't even need us. Hello, but she has completed their task. Well, that's not the combined, so somebody else has finished. Oh, let's try to reverse this thing. Easier with the steering wheel than ACE with a keyboard, but still, yes, not too good. Let's try to reverse. Let's try our best. Got gotta river. This, uh, that's up to you. Good. I think what we'll do is we'll pull to combine forwards. It will probably be a lot better. Say, how was you an 8% to put your grant? Is this done? So I think what we need to do really is just put the order in under the phone with the combine up. And what we really need to do is put it away because we don't start leaving stuff in the field. There is the new Holland every day. How's indeed finished the job.

Very good. How to download FS 17 for PC And I think the seed really is not too far off. Either all the jobs have to be done because we sold some of the grain. We actually not doing too badly financially. Which is very good. Um, if we were to not sell any grain, then you'd probably be quite low and money needs to be very careful with this areas. I do. Don't want to be going into debt. Guess that would be a good start to the game. The first series of day when we're in debt. No, we can't do that. So this looks like a good place to have a hair to put this. I think I will actually just check and see what this is. Seeds and fertilizer. Right? So we obviously can't block that in the big banks, which put it in here. If it was, we told you the name of the machine, when you get into it, flashes up on the screen to exit the harvest. So we have to press E, there we go. Okay. And just to finish off, we'll go to the new Holland. We'll bring it back as well. And I think that'll probably be as continue over there, but on the whole, this has been. And experience, and I'm sure a lot of you have been delighted to see this video. Um, I certainly have been as well. I'm just thrilled that giants have chosen me to be a preview partner. Fantastic news. We can't go anywhere without the beacons on. We need the beacons come on weekend. I will be reviewing this game. Probably about 25th, 26th of October. But at the moment, I'm going to leave the judgment to you. You are going to be able to decide for yourself. I already know what I think, but I won't be releasing any information about it until I do the review opportunity index. Okay. Yeah, we, it we'll put it down and we're going to jump out. And I'm hoping that you have enjoyed this video. We will return very, very soon with the next one and won't be too long. So, yeah. Please hit subscribe if you haven't done so already and I'll be back probably within the next 12 hours. See you again soon. Bye. For now.

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